Events & Webinars
The Vatican Youth Symposium gathers a diverse group of young people from different backgrounds and disciplines for an annual event at the Vatican. For two days, these young people will work towards solutions on the biggest challenges facing our world today.
The Vatican Youth Symposium gathers a diverse group of young people from different backgrounds and disciplines for an annual event at the Vatican, during which young people come together to work towards solutions on the biggest challenges facing our world today.
The next Symposium will be held December 15-17, 2021. It will convene youth leaders from around the world with the support of SDSN Youth and the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences. The Symposium brings together some of the world’s most renowned thought leaders to connect with young people to create pathways of understanding and action to shape a sustainable world for future generations. Leaders of civil society, faith communities, businesses, academia, celebrity activists and members of the UN Secretary-General’s SDG Advocates, will join and offer their guidance and partnership with the youth leaders.
The theme, “Global Youth Movements; Leading Change for the Good of Present & Future Generations ” will frame sessions devoted to the dimensions of youth empowerment and intergenerational leadership, with discussions on how COVID-19 presents both an enormous challenge and unforeseen opportunities for advancing sustainable development globally.
Core sessions will be categorized into thematic areas split over two days: Transformative Education and Global Citizenship, Human Rights and Dignity, Sustainable Cities & Communities, and Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Technology, presenting inspiring messages of how the synergy between the creativity of younger generations and the expertise of older ones can create progressive change.
Antonio Díaz Aranda
Project Officer
Antonio Díaz Aranda
Project Lead
Kayla Colyard
Project Lead
Global Events & Partnerships
Antonio Díaz Aranda
Project Lead
Global Events & Partnerships
Antonio Díaz Aranda
Project Lead
The SDGs are truly audacious goals, and we believe that achieving them requires strong teamwork. It doesn't matter what you - if you are working towards sustainable development, and want to work with young people - let's explore what we can do!
We can amplify your work with our youth network and/or broader SDSN network of academic experts and partners. Running training programs? Do you fund youth solutions? We're always looking for opportunities to share.
Tap into a community of passionate young people. It's important for us to design for the next generation.
How does the SDSN Youth Executive Team select the member organizations?
The selection process consists of a criteria list:
Who does the SDSN Youth Membership Program work with?
Universities, academic and cultural institutions, university teams, student associations, youth-led organizations, research institutions, community initiatives, and digital platforms.
What are the benefits of joining the Youth Membership Program?
What are some of the opportunities Member Organizations have as part of the program?
SDSN Youth joined UNESCO's celebrations for 31st World Press Freedom Day Conference in Chile.
By Antonio Díaz Aranda, Global Events & Partnerships Lead at SDSN Youth
SDSN Youth joined UNESCO's celebrations for 31st World Press Freedom Day Conference in Chile.
The partnership will identify, mentor, and unlock youth-led social entrepreneurial projects for the SDGs in selected IB students and educators around the world.
Co-hosted by SDSN Youth and the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences (PASS), the Vatican Youth Symposium (VYS) brings together youth leaders and experts to strengthen the global movement for sustainable development.
SDSN Youth took part in COP29, the world's most important climate summit, presenting meaningful interventions centered on intergenerational justice and the critical role of education in sustainable development.
SDSN Youth joined the 8th Annual SDG Summit, organized by the Sustainable Development Goals Alliance and the University of Calgary's Office of Sustainability, host of SDSN Canada.
SDSN Youth held an engaging online session featuring Janina Peter, founder and CEO of Bridging Gaps.
SDSN Youth joined the The Global Sustainable Development Congress organized by Times Higher Education in Thailand.
SDSN Youth joined the Paving The Way to The Pact of the Future Conference organized by SDSN Portugal.
SDSN Youth participated and led a session at the 9th edition of the International Youth Conference
SDSN Youth joined UNESCO's celebrations for 31st World Press Freedom Day Conference in Chile.
On October 15, 2022, 12 of our Investment Readiness Program star social innovators will be presenting their pitch decks to an expert panel of judges and an audience of impact investors, industry professionals, and peers. Join us!
What is the role of higher education in delivering the SDGs to help create a world that leaves no one behind? Join us to discuss on September 16!
Co-hosted by SDSN Youth and the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences (PASS), the Vatican Youth Symposium (VYS) brings together youth leaders and experts to strengthen the global movement for sustainable development.
Traditionally held at the Casina Pio IV in Vatican City, the 2020 VYS will take on a virtual format due to the constraints of the global pandemic. While we will miss convening within the walls of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, and the ability to connect in-person, this virtual format has granted us with the opportunity to reach an even greater audience.
The Vatican Youth Symposium 2019 will take place at the Casina Pio IV in Vatican City on October 16. This year, it gathers more than 85 leaders and innovators to develop solutions and partnerships for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
SDSN Youth in collaboration with the Pontifical Academy of Sciences (PAS), will host the Vatican Youth Symposium at the Casina Pio IV in Vatican City. Youth Leadership for Integral Human Development - Laudato Si’ and the Sustainable Development Goals.
The 2018 Vatican Youth Symposium, which was jointly convened by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences (PAS) and SDSN Youth, brought together youth entrepreneurs, activists, and innovators for training in global development. The theme of the conference, which was Youth Leadership for Integral Human Development: Laudato Si’ and the Sustainable Development Goals, motivated participants to recommit themselves to partnerships for the 2030 Agenda and to their role as youth leaders for a brighter, better future.
Vatican City: On October 14-15, 2017 the Pontifical Academy of Sciences (PAS), in collaboration with the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) and its Youth Initiative (SDSN Youth), will host the fourth edition of the Vatican Youth Symposium within the headquarters of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, the Casina Pio in the Vatican City.
Providing a platform for young leaders in sustainable development to collaborate and develop partnership opportunities.
Re-watch the eventCo-hosted by SDSN Youth and Pontifical Academy of Sciences (PAS), the Symposium brings together more than 85 leaders and innovators in global development to develop solutions and partnerships for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Pontifical Academy of Sciences (PAS) and SDSN Youth will partner together again to bring The Vatican Youth Symposium 2018 on Oct 31, 2018 at Casina Pio IV, Vatican City.
Re-watch the eventIn Vatican City October 14-15 2017, 50 young leaders from 30 different countries convened to address this crisis.
Re-watch the eventOn 30-31 October 2016, SDSN Youth assembled young leaders from a variety of disciplines including tech, advocacy, research and policy to the Vatican for a series of interactive workshops to trade knowledge, co-generate ideas and operationalize solutions to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
Re-watch the event